Community Co-Creation Book

Crafting a communal co-creation… What does it take?
Welcoming you into my living, breathing process of a current project.

Like any community hostess… First, a proper welcome!


About the Project - Sharing the Gift!


Over the last year I’ve been imagining a GIFT. A gift that is both specific - and timeless - in what it can give... A gift that is simultaneously rooted in community renewal and the emergence of future community altogether.

This co-creation will present as a gift - a book! - that weaves together stories of gratitude and gentle advice from one community to another. Our contributors are my classmates of 2011 as we approach our 10 year anniversary milestone as a class this June 2021. With this project, we are invited as a community that “once was” to reflect on our journeys since, and what we’d like to become together in the days and years onward. Our contributions will be woven together in a book that lives beyond any one of us.

We’ll gift this book to the graduating class of 2021 in my hometown as a kind, empowering resource for their journeys onward. It will enclose stories and perspectives that feel both near and wildly expansive to them - speaking to them like a friend on the journey. I’m delighted to serve as lead facilitator and editor of this co-creation and am currently documenting my process to support other community leaders who would like to replicate this in their communities.

As a multi-passionate creator devoted to creating with community, I am here as an open book myself. I encourage you to reach out anytime it speaks to your heart and what you envision creating with your own communities.

Email me here if you’d like to be a witness to this project or a friend on the journey of co-creating!


Project Process & Timeline


This section will continue to update as we rapidly progress through the stages of this project. We are currently in the outreach and stories cultivation stage of this project, harvesting the fruits of an extended invitation. In May 2021 I will enter the editing and weaving phase of project, with printing and gifting occurring in June 2021.

Below are my recommended project phases if you are ready to embark on a community co-creation of your own! These are the phases I intend to share in-depth as documentation of this project’s process. This documentation will go live in June 2021 as a companion to this co-creation and include blended sharing of video and text.

Nurture your Clarity —> Greet the Soul of the Gift —> Craft the Invitation —>
Extend the Invitation —> Active Co-Creation —> Harvest, Sift, and Sense —>
Relish in the Gift —> Release the Gift —> Witness and Celebrate the Gift